[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Polish record name variations

Karl Krueger dabookk54 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 18 17:43:15 PDT 2003

I know there will be plenty of people here who could answer my curiosity on this. I am finally at a point where I need to translate some parish records, and while I do have Polish and Russian friends I do not always want to rely on them for help so Ive got train myself to read these records. 

What I would like to understand is how the different endings on names are used on Polish records. Since I know the true names of my ancestors I see their names written in different forms on some parish records. Here are some examples where the left name is what appears in the records while the right name is the true name: Unclear letters are in parenthesis.

Fryderyk(ie)m = Fryderik or Fyderika

Wolskim = Wolski (or Wolska)

Tarruhnow = Tarruhn

Habkow = Habke

Jana (not Jan) is Polish for Johann

Samuela = Samuel

What I hope to understand is when and how are these endings used and can anything be learned from them like are they used specifically for one sex? I have seen many more instances of these name endings used. Are there any other examples I havent listed here?

A second unrelated question pertains to a record in Cyrillic which I had a Russian friend translate for me. When he came to my g-g-grandmothers name he pronounced the name as "Agatha" instead of Henriette as I know it and as it is written in earlier Polish records. I know the same individual is being referred to. Does anyone know if Agatha is a Russian version of Henriette?

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