[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Unit of measure - Koretz?

Gerhard König gk_eisenach at web.de
Fri Nov 21 17:39:11 PST 2003

> Does anyone know the equivalent of a Koretz?
> In context, the the text says, "5 Koretz Roggen"  = 5 Koretz rye

Koretz / Koerst [with umlaut]
it is a unit for volume (amount for grain) with old slavic origin "korec", "kuric".
or for an area (Bill wrote it in his mail).

please compare:

1 Korzek = 4 Cwier = 32 Garcy = 128 Kwarty = 0,5757 bayer. Scheffel = 128 Liter


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