[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Pradziad Database - Polish Archives

Rose Ingram roseingram at shaw.ca
Thu May 15 23:37:51 PDT 2003

Thank you very much Jerry.  The maps and gubernia explanation on this
Website are extremely helpful too.

  From: Jerry Frank

  From one of the pages at JewishGen.org:

  "Alegata (also known as Marriage Supplements or Annexes) are a group of
documents that form a more detailed record of the betrothal than the
marriage record alone. In addition to the marriage registration, Alegata
include at least the birth records for the bride and groom. Other documents
relating to the bride and groom or their parents may also form part of the
Alegata. When a birth record could not be produced by the bride or groom, a
protocol (sworn statement from witnesses including details of the birth) was

  Additional, and more extensive, detail can be found in Question #20 at

  At 05:53 PM 15/05/2003 -0700, Rose Ingram wrote:

    I was looking in the Pradziad database for records from Lodz, Lodz.
    other things, the search results display a record type of "alegata,
    Ewangelical and records span to 1940.  Does anyone know was alegata

  Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
  jkfrank at shaw.ca

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