[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Volhynia church records

Nelson colnels at shaw.ca
Thu Mar 20 10:42:31 PST 2003

The Journal item was in error. The church books brought out of Russia by
Pastor Lemke have nothing to do the the Wuschke Collection being brought to
the Edmonton area.

Nelson Itterman
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Frank" <jkfrank at shaw.ca>
To: "Miles Ertman" <milesertman at shaw.ca>; "SGGEE"
<ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Volhynia church records

> At 01:47 PM 19/03/2003 -0700, Miles Ertman wrote:
> >The article also states that
> >these seven volumes "complement church records Wuschke has dating from
> >to 1879".
> Howard Krushel already answered the main question in your posting.  I
> just like to point out, for others who may read this, that these records
> reported in the newspaper as covering 1836 to 1879 are in fact simply the
> same St. Petersburg microfilms that we not only have access to via SGGEE,
> but which we have extracted and made available to the public on-line all
> the way through to 1885.
> As with most newspaper articles, this one contained its share of
> exaggerations and did not investigate whether Mr. Wuschke was the sole
> proprietor of these materials or if they were readily available elsewhere
> as well.
> Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
> jkfrank at shaw.ca
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