[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Volhynian vanished villages ?!?

Hugo Benne hbenne at freeler.nl
Sun Feb 23 23:26:45 PST 2003

Last week I asked a question about the village of Sadombrowa / Zadombrowa.
Because I want to know more about this particular village I ordered a map of
Volhynia from a specialized map-shop nearby. This map (scale 1:200.000,
cyrilic script) does not show the village at all and neither are the
neighbouring villages  Olszanow / Olschanow and Dombrowa / Dabrova. This is
probably a newbie question so allow me to ask it: what happen to those

And another question: in which place the archives can be find of Zadombrowa,
Olszanow and Dombrova?

Kindly regards,


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