[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] German Town name

Irene Kopetzke kopetzke at uni.de
Sun Feb 23 05:03:11 PST 2003

JUSTIN L DINGMAN <jld4321 at juno.com> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a town called DEUTSCH DOMB, GERMANY time
> period 1819?

ShtetlSeeker, kartenmeister.com and GOV only came up with DOMB in
Silesia. There is no prefix DEUTSCH going with DOMB, however.
Domb was a German settlement founded in the 13th century (or even
earlier), right next to Chorzow. Other German settlements in the
same area: Deutsch-Dombrowka, Kamin, Deutsch-Beckern
(Deutsch-Piekar), Rossberg, Schomberg, Lagiewnik, Beuthen etc.
Today, Domb (Dab) is part of Katowice and on older maps it is
referred to as Domb-Kattowitz.

Irene Kopetzke
kopetzke at uni.de

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