[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Ziemer and Chodecz

Jan Textor textor at oncable.dk
Fri Feb 21 05:02:20 PST 2003

Before you open the champagne, as Gunther Bohm (Guenther Boehm) suggested, I
would like to make a few remarks.

The site Guenther is referring to: http://home8.inet.tele.dk/textor/ is an
old site, which for some reason has not yet been deleted by my internet
provider.  Unfortunately, some of the data in it is not quite correct, and I
have also added about 4,000 individuals to my new genealogy page at
RootsWeb: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=textor. Please
take a look, and if you find anything of interest you are welcome to contact

I have changed the name ZIEMER (ZIEMANN) to just ZIEMANN, because I found
out after an additional couple of years research that the spelling "Ziemer"
had been used on two records only for this family, namely for the two
marriages of Justine Ziemann, born on 2 Jan. 1817 in Iwiny, a village just
south of Da~browice. On all other occasions the members of this family are
recorded as Cyman or Zieman(n). I have chosen to believe that Ziemann is the
"correct" name for this family.

As for the ABRAHAM family, the real authority on this one is Al Muth, who
already sent you an email. However, you might also want to contact the
people behind this site: http://plockgermangenealogy.org/. You will find
that they are referring to ABRAHAM from Nowe Boryszewo.

Hope this helps.
Jan Textor, Denmark

> Is CHODECZ considered to be in the "Krajewski "
> district ?According to  an 1835 marriage record , my
> Marczin and Jan Ziemer originate from the town of
> CHODECZ in the Krajewski district . Magda
> researching Ziemer & Abraham of Nowe Boryszewo , Plock
> and Chodecz , and later (1860's) Zabiele Piekuty ,
> Poland .

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