[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Dreger

Jerry Frank jkfrank at shaw.ca
Sat Apr 19 08:16:03 PDT 2003

Not sure why the original poster considers that Semler might be an 
alternative to Drager.  I suspect that it may have to do with a 
transliteration problem or questionable entry rather than a real spelling 
alternative.  You would have to review the original record to determine 
what was going on here.

At 02:01 AM 19/04/2003 -0400, mrnce at aol.com wrote:
>My ancestors were Semmler/Semler's.  Are these names really alternative
>spellings for Semmler?
>Rick Hunter
>Oakland CA
> >>Have noted that Dreger can be spelled Drager, Draeger, but am unsure as to
>why >>and alternative spelling could be Semler, Krecik, or Traeger.  Is this
>because they >>sound the same or mean the same.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
jkfrank at shaw.ca 

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