[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Re: Bobrowniki in county Lipno, Congress Poland (Rose Ingram)

Uwe Kerntopf uwe at kerntopf.com
Wed Sep 18 13:56:02 PDT 2002

Dear Rose,

ger-poland-volhynia-request at eclipse.sggee.org schrieb:
> I did make a copy of a page of entries in 1851.  The pastor's name is Pawel
> Polkowski.  The villages noted in the columns are "Miszek" which is probably

this pastor I do not find too in Kneifel's book "Die Pastoren der
Evangelisch-Augsburgischen Kirche in Polen".

> All the records in this book are definitely Evangelische and German names.
> They may have been recorded by a Catholic priest as you say.   Unless someone
> else has a better explanation, my guess is that it was mixed in with the
> Catholic books when they were sent to Munich and filmed at the "Kath.

It is indeed very strange. I've took a quick look into the books, whether
there has been a "Kantorat" or "Bethaus" in Bobrowniki. I found nothing.

> Kirchenbuchamt und Archiv" in Munich.  It's possible the Kneifel didn't know
> about these records.

His books are so precise, that I think that he has not forgotten this
church if it ever existed. It is a real mystery.

Bye and thanks for taking a look at these records

- Uwe Kerntopf, Kvln mailto:uwe at kerntopf.com http://www.kerntopf.com -
-      Pommern + Westpreu_en unter http://pom-wpru.kerntopf.com      -
-      Dobriner Land (Polen) unter http://www.dobriner-land.de       -
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