[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Polish Translation

Grazyna grazyna at shaw.ca
Wed Sep 4 15:45:13 PDT 2002

Hi Elaine,

The following is an approximate translation of the letter you received - I am sending to the list in the event that someone else is also looking for information on these parishes:

The place Gawrony belonged to the Ewangelical parish in Sompolnie.  In 1945, during the war, the parish archives were destroyed.  Documents to 100 years can be found in the Civil Archives in Sompolnie, and those over 100 years in the National Archive in Poznan - address: Archiwum Panstwowe, ul. 23 Lutego 41 / 43; 60-967 Poznan.  Records from the 18th and 19th century may be written in the catholic parish in Skulsk - address: Parafia Rzymsko-Katolicka, ul. Koscielna 24; 62-560 Skulsk.  You can also try looking for records in archives held by the mormons or "memmonitow" (?) in the USA, probably in "Sant Luck" (?)  I apologize for replying in Polish, but I do not know english, and in Poland we still speak polish.  From the content of your letter, I guessed what you were looking for.  In Konin there lived a Zacharias family who emigrated to the USA.  Not too long ago, a Mr. Zacharias from Konin died there. 

Wishing you God's love,
Pastor Andrzej Mendrok

I would guess that "the mormons" refers to LDS.  Hope that helps, 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ASMUS2TREE at aol.com>
To: <ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Polish Translation

> Hi Listers,
> Does anyone know of a web site where I can get a free translation of Polish 
> to English?  I received the following letter from the parish in Sompolno and 
> my former site for translation is no longer available. 
> Thanks, Elaine
> Miejscowosc Gawrony nalezala do Parafii Ewangelickiej w Sompolnie. W 1945
> roku, w czasie dzialan wojennych archiwum parafialne uleglo zniszczeniu.
> Domumenty do 100 lat znajduja sie w Urzedzie Stanu Cywilnego w Sompolnie,
> zas powyzej stu lat w Archiwum Panstwowym w Poznaniu.- Archiwum Panstwowe,
> ul. 23 Lutego 41/43; 60-967 Poznan. Metryki z przelomu 18 i 19 wieku mogly
> byc spisane w parafii katolickiej w Skulsku- Parafia Rzymsko-Katolicka, ul.
> Koscielna 24;        62-560 Skulsk. Moze Pan sprsbowac znalezc potrzebne
> metryki w archiwum mormonsw lub memmonitsw w USA, chyba w Sant Luck.
> Przepraszam ze odpisuje po polsku, ale nie znam angielskiego, a w Polsce
> mswi sie jeszcze po polsku. Z tresci domyslilem sie o co Panu chodzi. W
> Koninie mieszkala rodzina Zacharias ktsra wyjechala do USA. Niedawno Pan
> Zacharias pochodzacy z Konina tam zmarl.
> Zycze wiele Boej Laski
> Pastor Andrzej Mendrok

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