[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] POLITZ

Jerry Frank jkfrank at shaw.ca
Sat Mar 9 12:10:17 PST 2002

At 07:31 AM 09/03/2002 -0800, Opal White wrote:
>Searching for location of POLITZ, probably Volhynia (record says Russi)  that
>would be on the route my ancestors took from Warsaw to Kichinev.

Where is Kichinev?  In Volhynia?

>Facts I know:
>they were traveling with a group of 12 families; they went by boat from
>Przemysl on the Dniester River in 1834. A child was born at Politz in 1834
>that I am trying to find birth records for. They were Lutheran. The time line
>suggests the trek took at least two years; they would stop and work along the
>way for funds to continue.

This seems like a very indirect route to take if the final destination is 
Volhynia.  They would have gone south into what was then Galicia 
(Austria-Hungary territory) which is where Przemysl was, on the San River, 
then across land to the Dniestr, some 50 km or so to the SE.

Following the Dniestr would then take them southward towards Bessarabia and 
Odessa rather than northward to Volhynia.

>Has anyone ever heard of children born along the
>way being baptised or birth recorded in local churches? Another record spells
>the location POLLINITZ. Anyone have a map showing this location?

I cannot speak about Galicia as I have never conducted research there.  In 
1834, the German population in western Volhynia was just beginning it 
trying to find the record there might be difficult.  There is a reel of 
film for Volhynia for that time frame which you could check.  The list is 
at http://www.sggee.org/VolhynianLutheranArchives.html

Whether Lutheran or not, civil law may have required that they register at 
a Catholic Church since churches were usually designated to collect civil 

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
jkfrank at shaw.ca

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