[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Going Brain Dead Already

GHBoehm at aol.com GHBoehm at aol.com
Thu Jun 20 12:59:35 PDT 2002

Hello Donnamarie,
does it possibly read Perechyn? This town has a really colored history.

Perechyn  (in Hungarian: Perecseny) is a "town type settlement" in the 
Perechyn (or Perec'in) [district of] Transcarpathia Oblast. The settlement 
has got ~6.600 inhabitants near all of them Ruthenian. The village was in the 
Ung (in Ucrainian Uzh) County of the Kingdom of Hungary till 1919/1920 
(Czechoslovakian occupation / Treaty of Trianon). 1920-1939 part of 
Czechoslovakia, in 1939 part of the short-lived Subcarpathia, in 1939-1944 
part of Hungary (after the Hungarian occupation and annexation). 1946-1992 
part of the Soviet Union and now Ukraine. The settlement is a district seat 
near Uzhhorod (20 km north in the Uzh Valley.

Guenther Boehm,
Hilden, Germany

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