[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Heimtal Records

Jerry Frank jkfrank at shaw.ca
Fri Dec 13 13:23:45 PST 2002

What year was that event?

At 01:38 PM 13/12/2002 -0700, Ursula Bachman wrote:
>Just a note that not all the Heimtal Parish records are available on the
>St. Petersburg Extractions. Earlier this year I contacted Efim Melamed
>(mefim at online.zt.ua) who researched and found some of my Minchau and Haupt
>families that were not on the St. Petersburg records. In these records I
>found out the name of my great great great grandfather Johann Haupt listed
>in the death record of my gggrandfather Michael Haupt.  So if anyone is
>interested in finding records from the Heimtal Parish you might want to
>contact him.
>Ursula Bachman
>Researching: Bodau (Bodach), Haupt, Minchau, Rose, and Schmidt, Schlag,
>Ziesman, Schmitke, Kop

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
jkfrank at shaw.ca 

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