[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] ger-poland-(STEINKE name)

Günther Böhm GHBoehm at ish.de
Fri Aug 2 01:27:14 PDT 2002

JZinck5463 at aol.com wrote:

 > Researching for Locality of  Klingerswalde now part of Poland trying
 > to locate family history

Hi Jill,
go to <www.kartenmeister.com> and enter Klingerswalde. You will get:

German Name          Klingerswalde
Alternate Name 1:    Klingerswald 1820
Today's Name         Podlesna
Kreis/County         Heilsberg
Kirchkreis/Diocese   Braunsberg 1912
German Province      Ostpreussen
Today's Province     Olsztynskie
Location             East 20030' North 53057'
Location Description This village/town is located
                      19.0 km and 4 degrees
                      from Allenstein,
                      which is known today as Olsztyn
Lutheran Parish      Guttstadt 1912

Then go to <www.pilot.pl> and enter Podlesna.
Select the one north of Olsztyn and you will get a quite detailed and 
scaleable map containing the village some 5 miles southeast of Guttstadt 
[Dobre miasto].

If you enter the Batch Number 7511412
into the IGI searching window which is temporarily unaccessible at this 
moment, you can find some parish register entries from Klingerswalde.


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