[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Which Archive?

Jerry Frank jkfrank at shaw.ca
Sat Dec 29 09:28:48 PST 2001

I doubt you will find any 1848 era material for Kosjak in either archive 
except for the church records already microfilmed by the LDS (see 
http://www.sggee.org/VolhynianLutheranArchives.html for listing).

Another issue of course is, are you sure the family was in Kosjak in 
1848?  I do not see Haupt in Volhynia prior to 1870.  The majority of 
Germans migrated into Volhynia after 1860.

At 12:10 AM 29/12/2001 -0500, JSchu9014 at aol.com wrote:
>I am searching for records that would include "KOSJAK" which was/is a part of
>the Ukraine, but was a part of Poland.  Since the records I am searching for
>would be from around 1848, would the records be housed in the archives in
>Zhitomir or would they be found in the Polish Archives?  If in the Polish
>Archives, which Archive would likely hold the Evangelical Lutheran Records
>for "KOSJAK"?
>Any help would be very greatly appreciated!
>Searching for :  HAUPT, MINCHAU (M|ncho)

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
jkfrank at shaw.ca

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