[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Looking for Neu Luboza

Jan Textor textor at post8.tele.dk
Wed Dec 19 12:05:41 PST 2001


I think you are looking for "Neu Lubcza" and not "Neu Luboza". If you go to
the JewishGen ShtetlSeeker, you will find "Lubcza Nowa" (the same as "Neu
Lubcza") at the coordinates 5322N 1721E, 10.1 km west of Wiecbork/Vandsburg.
At one time this village was located in the administrative district of
Marienwerder, province of West Prussia, kingdom of Prussia.

Hope this helps.

Jan Textor, Denmark

> A passenger list for my my ancestor Christian Drews (1856, Bremen to New
> states that he is from "Neu Luboza"  The family believes he was from West
> Prussia, but I have information that he may have been from Pommerania.
> I have searched the FEEHFS maps, Stumpp's maps, tried jewishgen's
> and tried various other village locator websites, all to no avail.  I have
> found anything even close to Luboza.
> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!!
> Have a great Christmas, everyone.
> Robin Deems

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